Aramex is an international express, mail delivery & logistics services company founded in Dubai.
This integration allows you to use Aramex Shipping services with Linnworks to print labels, create & submit manifests.
Aramex Shipping Integration for Linnworks
Step 1: Integrate the Shipping Provider into Linnworks.net:
To use the Aramex integration, you must first install it from within Linnworks.net.
- Log into Linnworks.net
- Select Settings in the left-hand menu bar.
- Select the Shipping option.
- Click on Integrations.
- Click Add Integration.
- Locate Aramex on the list of available Shipping Providers, and click Integrate.
- After reading the Third Party Integrations Disclaimer warning, you can click on the link at the bottom to review the Aramex Connector’s Terms and Conditions.
- Click Accept to continue.
- Enter an account name to start the integration process.
- Tick I agree to the terms and conditions to confirm you’re happy to proceed.
- Click Next to continue integrating Aramex.
- Enter information into the fields outlined in red, for your Aramex account.
Config Detail
- Username – email ID of account user provided by Aramex
- Password – password provided by Aramex
- Account Number – account number provided by Aramex
- Account PIN – account PIN provided by Aramex
- Account Country – account country code provided by Aramex
- Account Entity – account entity provided by Aramex
- Account Version – account version provided by Aramex
- Click Next to continue.
- To complete the integration, click on Close.
- Your Aramex integration should now show under Shipping, and Integrations.
Step 2: Printer Config:
The next step is to configure the printer that will be used for your Shipping Labels.
- In Linnworks.net, select Shipping.
- Select Integrations.
- Locate the Aramex entry, and click the Printer Config button (as above), and click on it.
- Select the Default entry in the Edit Printer Config window.
- Review the following settings:
a) Use Default (Only shows for user account entries other than Default) use this option to change the settings from Default for this user account.
b) Virtual Printer allows you to select a printer from those available through the Virtual Printer to be used when printing Aramex labels (defaults to PDF).
c) Template allows you to set a label template option. Available options may vary depending on the selected printer.
d) Label Formats shows the formats supported by the selected Virtual Printer.
e) Margins controls how much space (in inches) to leave as a margin on each label.
Step 3: Quote Settings:
- In Linnworks.net, select Shipping.
- Select Integrations.
- Locate the Aramex entry, and look to the right. Click the Quote Settings button (as above).
- This opens the Edit Quote Settings window. The list will initially be blank.
- Tick the option Quote only for added services.
- Click OK at the bottom of the Quote Settings window to apply any changes.
Step 4: Edit Config :
- In Linnworks.net, select Shipping.
- Select Integrations.
- Locate the Aramex entry, and click the Edit Config button (as above).
- This opens the Edit Config window.
- Check/edit the details related to Sender Address and Service Configuration options, then click the Next button.
- After clicking Next, you will receive confirmation your configuration has been saved.
Step 5: Services:
- In Linnworks.net, click Settings.
- Select Channel Integration.
- Locate the Aramex entry, and click the Services button.
- This opens the Services window.
- At the top left, use the drop-down window to select from the shipping services available in your Aramex account.
- Select one of these services you want available for use within Linnworks. Click Add to move that service to the list.
- You can edit the Service Name by clicking on it.
- The Option button
allows you to map the current service name to any existing shipping service.
- Press the Properties button
to open a new window. This displays available properties of the select shipping service.
- Click the Delete button
to remove a service. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice.
If you select Yes, you will be allowed to remove the selected service from the list of Shipping Services.
If you press No, the selected Shipping Service will remain in the list of Shipping Services.
Edit Order Information for Shipping Order
Generate Label
- Open Order ->Select Order->Print -> Shipping Labels
Print Label
Process Order
- Tracking Numbers come from Aramex
Create Manifest
Print Manifest
Step 6: Delete Shipping Integration:
- In Linnworks.net, select Shipping.
- Select Integration.
- Locate the Aramex entry, and click on the Delete button (as above).
- This opens the Delete window.
If you press Yes, it will allow you to remove the selected Aramex shipping integration from the list of Shipping integrations.
If you press No, The integration remains part of the list of available Shipping Integrations.