Collect payments for unpaid Linnworks direct orders quickly & safely with PayPal: the world’s biggest online payment system
2. Setting up & using the PayPal integration:
3. Making Online Payment with Linnworks App:
The PayPal Payment for Linnworks app is used to take payments for Direct Unpaid orders in Linnworks.
Customers can also check how many orders and payments have been made via PayPal.
Pro Edition | Up to 100 orders per month | £10 + VAT per month
Enterprise Edition | Up to 500 orders per month | £45 + VAT per month
Step 1: Install the App in Linnworks:
To use the PayPal integration, you must first install it from within Linnworks.net
1. Log into Linnworks.net
2. Select Apps in the left-hand menu bar
3. Select the Application Store option
4. Click on PayPalPayment for Linnworks
5. Click on Install to add the PayPal integration.
Step 2: Opening the PayPal App:
1. Log into Linnworks.
2. In the left-hand menu, click the Apps button to open the submenu.
3. Select the PayPal option in the My Applications list.
4. The registration page will now open. Read the Terms and Conditions and tick the box to acknowledge, before clicking Register Now.
Step 3: PayPal Configuration:
On clicking the PayPal Configuration button, you will be directed to open the PayPal website in another tab/window.
Click Log In.
Enter your PayPal email address and password, then click Log In.
After successfully logging in, click the Dashboard link.
This takes you to your PayPal Dashboard. Click on the entry for Linnworks to add it, if present. Alternatively, you can create a new App entry for it:
1. Click on the Create App button in the REST API Apps section to add the app.
2. After clicking on the App name, you should see the Client ID. (Clicking the Show button next to Secret Key will also display this.)
3. Copy the values for Client ID and Secret Key, and paste them into the PayPal Integration Configuration in the original tab/window.
Step 4: Email Setting:
In Email Setting you are offered two options
Email Account Configuration
In the Email Account Configuration option, you can configure the email server configuration.
1. Enter the SMTP server address, the Port Number and confirm if SSL Security and SMTP Authentication is required.
2. Enter the user name and password for the account and the From Name which will be used when email is sent from the account.
3. Reply to address specifies the address that will receive customer’s replies, if different to the address used to send.
4. Test your configuration and click Save.
Email Template Configuration
You can choose how you want to set the message body by setting the following:
Logo – upload a logo to display in the email.
Subject Tag – Specifies an order field that can be used in the email subject. Click Add to insert it into the Email Subject field.
Email Subject – Mixes text and information from the order itself using Subject Tag to display a custom subject for each email.
Body Tag – Specifies an order field that can be used in the email body. Click Add to insert it into the Email Body.
Email Body – Starts with a predefined message. This can be customized with your own text, as well as with information from the order using Body Tags.
Remember to click Save to ensure you don’t lose your work on the email template.
Step 5: Linnworks Direct Orders:
After clicking the PayPal button, you are directed to the opening page.
In this screen, you will find a list of Direct Orders with the payment status of Not Paid from Open Orders.
a. View Order: Pressing this button will display the order information.
b. Pay with customer present: To take payment for any of the orders shown with the customer present, click on the Pay button next to it. This will take you to an interim page with the PayPal Check out button.
Pressing this button will ask you to enter your PayPal account details.
Alternatively, you can use the option to pay without a PayPal account by clicking the Check Out as a Guest button.
c. Send PayPal Invoice:
From a list of orders, if there are any payments you want to request payment from the customer via email, click Send PayPal Invoice.
When you have entered your PayPal account details, and confirmed that the details are correct, it will log in your account for payment. Confirmation is required.
Clicking Continue executes the payment. You are then redirected back to the Direct Orders screen.
Repeat the above process to take payment for additional orders.
d. Send email or invoice: Ask customer to pay from a remote location.
Clicking the button sends the customer an email with an invoice they can pay for the order with. The template for this email is customizable under Email Settings.
You will receive confirmation that the email has been sent.
Step 6: PayPal Payment History:
This page displays a list of the payments you have taken via this App and PayPal.
You can filter the list by date range by adjusting the values above the list.
Step 7: Purchase Credit:
Each PayPal transaction you process through the app is paid for using a credit. There are several subscription levels you can choose, each corresponding to a different monthly credit balance.
If you have run out of credits, or are setting up the app for the first time, you can click on the subscription that matches your needs.
If you’re partway through the month and upgrade, your account will be credited with the difference between the credits you have used this month and the new monthly allowance.
Click on the Submit button.