Christmas and New Year Contest 2013, sponsored by Linn Systems


£10,000 in prizes for the people making eCommerce grow!

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he  Linnworks team are looking for the people that influence the direction of eCommerce for the rest of the market in their new contest.

With £10,000 of prizes on offer, they are looking to find the people and businesses that are daring to live right on the edge – if you’re identifying new opportunities, creating new trends and pioneering innovative business practices, this is the time to stand up and be counted.

To celebrate the start of 2014, and the possibilities that come with the New Year, the team are inviting the people that make the eCommerce world so dynamic and interesting to show everyone who they are. No more hiding behind the monitors and tablets.

It’s time to share a photo of yourselves, and win one of these prizes:

  • 1 x FREE Linnworks Anywhere Enterprise subscription for 12 months (worth approx. £5,000.00 ex. VAT)
  • 1 x FREE Linnworks Anywhere PRO subscription for 12 months (worth approx. £3,000.00 ex. VAT)
  • 1 x FREE Linnworks Anywhere Autonomous Synchronisation upgrade for 12 months
  • 2 x £100 Amazon Gift Vouchers

Entry is as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

1) Take a picture of yourself, or your team, with the following phrase in the picture:

“We are changing the eCommerce world”

You’re welcome to use a logo, whether it’s for your company or Linnworks for branding and/or advertising.

2) Once you’ve created your picture, and you’re happy with it,  submit it to the official contest page.

3) Since votes for your picture will help in the judging process, feel free to share your photo and encourage friends and customers to vote for you. Even your employees can vote for their favourite picture.

Winners will be announced via the Linnworks website, blog, and social media channels, as well as other external sites on January 7th. In the meantime, get snapping, and who knows, Santa might send you an extra present for the New Year!

Good luck!

Let's get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours.