eBusiness Guru Run Their First Linnworks Workshop

First Linnworks Workshop from eBusiness Guru

Coming up, on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017, eBusiness Guru are holding the first of their free Workshops at their London offices. Focusing on ‘Order Processing and Handling in Linnworks.net’, Mark Canty, with assistance from Adrian Daniels, will be welcoming both new Linnworks users, and those new to Linnworks.net. Feel free to bring along a Laptop or Tablet if you wish.

Dealing with the Open Orders and Processed Orders screen mainly, the aim of this workshop is to help Linnworks users feel more confident when handling and processing orders in Linnworks.net – Whether you’re transferring from Linnworks desktop or from another system entirely!

With the workshop starting at 11:00, and closing at 17:00, there will be refreshments partway through, and time for Questions and Answers at the end. There is no charge, though places are limited. For more information, look here.

As a Linnworks Gold partner, eBusiness Guru have been supporting, implementing and customising Linnworks for businesses across the world for more than 5 years – These workshops create an opportunity to meet Linnworks users and share some of that experience, and to help keep the community as strong and vibrant as ever. We look forward to seeing you there, and hope you enjoy the day!

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