Foundational Ecommerce Marketing Tactics For This Christmas


[dropcap]B[/dropcap]eing an online store owner, you are always on the lookout for innovative ways to drive traffic. However, for how many times you have spent your valuable times, money and energy in a new method of driving targeted visitors to acquire low conversions. Google Adwords, SEO, Facebook, social media, blogging and guest posting are all wonderful methods to drive targeted visitors. Sadly, most of the times they just do not perform as expected. There are several possible reasons for this, nevertheless, it’s because you have a leaky bucket. Visitors who are leaking from your website as fast as you should bring them back.

My purpose to write this blog is to make you aware with some of the marketing foundational tactics that will enormously help you converts visitors to your website and get the most amount of money from each of your visitors.

So, time has come up to fix your leaky bucket.

Your online webstore is a Leaking Bucket

Think your eCommerce webstore as a bucket. You are required to spend considerable time, effort and energy to fill up that bucket with water (consumers). But the issue is your bucket has holes in it. So your valuable time, energy and money you are investing to fill the water is wasted because water will pour out of the holes as fast as you fill it.

What exactly are some of these holes?

There are several holes and several reasons for these kinds of holes. Arguably, each and every eCommerce business has holes in their bucket. Some of them are just bigger than others whereas others are more prevalent. These holes might be crummy product photos, poor product descriptions, high shipping prices and confusing navigations. Nevertheless, so many times customers were not willing to purchase quite yet and simply you let them walk away.

So what you should do to make the things right
1. Product Upsell

Upsells are significantly important factors, because they provide an opportunity to offer the customers complimentary products that might make their experience much better and help to boost your average order value.

2. Abandoned Cart Email

These emails are vital in eCommerce solutions. Generally, 68% of people abandon their carts. Abandoned cart email is an opportunity to bring your customers back to complete the transactions which are still fresh in their minds.

3. Adwords Retargeting:

Retargeting aids reinforce your brand and provide as a reminder to your recent website visitors about your products. As per the recent survey website visitors who have been retargeted to display advertising were 70% more likely to convert.

4. Facebook Retargeting

You can also approach your customers regretting Facebook with several % of discounts. Retargeting your visitors through Facebook is now one of the best and easiest ways to convert visitors into probable customers.

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