Google Adwords Callout ad Extensions: Why and How?


[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ecently, Google announced a new ad extension which is called callout extensions. This new extension lets you occupy additional space, or even “real estate” on the search engine results page. These callout extensions are like sitelink extensions; however, you can find differences between the two.

What Are Sitelink Extensions?

Sitelink extensions are definite links within your advertisement. Sitelinks assists you to direct consumers to several web pages which they might be interested in planning to when they are searching for a particular keyword that you are bidding upon. There might be two to six sitelinks on an advertisement inside Google’s result page.

What Are Callout Extensions? 

Like AdWords describes it, a new callout extension is “additional text content that shows with your Google search ads, draw attention to particular information about your product and services.”

Keep in mind, its textual content, not a web page link. This will help your consumers to briefly see what unique your business provides. If they might have interest, they might be inclined to link on your advertisement.

How to add it?

Step1: Login to your Google adwords account

Step 2: Go to “Ad Extension” tab

 Step 3: Select Callout Extensions

Step 4: Add your unique business points to attract more customers. 25 Characters per each extension. Google can show maximum 4 points together. You can add multiple.

How it will look?

Callout Extensions, What Are They Good For?

Fundamentally, callout extensions facilitate you to describe what may distinguish your organization from your rivals. Let the consumers aware what you can do for them. This undoubtedly gives your paid listing a benefit over SEO—you will not have too much pace with SEO to explain your products and advantages of selecting you over your competitors.

Combining Sitelink and Callout Extension

It is possible to generate a schedule for both sitelink and callout extensions. They both permit you to highlight specific information about the company’s products. Also, you are able to make the extension so it can be publicized upon mobile devices. Sitelinks assists you to link to your web offerings whilst callout extension just present what offers you might have.

I personally predict callout extensions and sitelink extensions will definitely work together. Rather than having the accurate same calls to action, you’ll have varying calls to action which work together. Marketing is best when you have steady messages!

Callout Extensions: Are They Worth It?

The actual answer to this is yes! Obviously! Google blatantly said this specific would have been a factor in your Ad rank.

Personally, I am really excited to make use of these callouts to underline the advantages that my customers have. I do think it can only enhance click-through-rates and possibly even conversion as it enables a blatant display as regards to what business has to offer.

Always Google is including brand-new features to their website. In case you are tired of trying to figure out what is new with Google, feel free to contact us at eBusiness guru. We would love to help you.

To find out more about creating and managing callouts, have a look at the AdWords Help Center article.

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