5 Linnworks Apps To Help You Survive The Christmas Rush


The lead up to Christmas can be a challenge for any online seller- A spike in orders and sales, rise in customer service enquiries, training and recruiting temporary staff, and so much more. We have worked with online sellers for many years now and have discovered trends, working routines and rituals that some of these sellers have stuck to for many years that could be streamlined better, with the help of a little Christmas magic.

We have interviewed the mascot of Christmas, Santa Claus, to find out how he runs the business of Christmas so effectively, cutting back time and boosting the number of kids he can reach.

XERO for Linnworks1

Image: XERO for Linnworks

Q: How does the XERO integration for Linnworks help you every Christmas?

A: You think my Elves work for nothing? Hohoho! XERO is the great accounts program behind my enterprise. Whilst I’m sleeping or busy out making deliveries, all of my invoices are generated overnight, then when I wake up from a busy, busy night’s work, I see that all of my data has been exported in XERO, where I can start a fresh day knowing my accounts will be up to date.

Mailchimp for Linnworks

Image: Mailchimp for Linnworks

Q: What do you use the MailChimp Linnworks integration for?

A: How do you think I get my letters? Through Mailchimp. And how do you think I’m able to remember the countless number of addresses that deliveries are made out to?  This integration automatically imports contacts into my MailChimp mailing list whilst orders from kids are being processed.

Delivery SMS

Image: Delivery SMS

Q: Delivery SMS has helped to notify kids quickly when their order is on their way, why is it so important to you?

A:  I have eaten too many mince pies this year and can’t fit down all the chimneys.  So I thought I’d make the most of Modern Technology and send a text message to parents to let me in well in advance. It’s usually a pleasant surprise for them, and the milk and cookie rewards while I’m dropping the presents off are just fantastic! Rudolph doesn’t complain!


Delivery SMS1

Image: Delivery SMS

Q: It’s scientifically impossible to store all of your deliveries on one sleigh, how does Warehouse Plus help you with this?

A: People actually think Santa brings all the presents on his sleigh? Hohoho, I don’t think so!

You don’t hear about all the kids who want to change their presents half way through Sleigh ride. With Warehouse Plus, I can change, create and edit the children’s orders on the go and manage them too.… Warehouse Plus helps me know where the presents are in different local Warehouses.



Image: LinnKwik

Q: And finally, how do you keep up with all the deliveries you have made and their origin? I can recall you mentioned something called LinnKwik?

A: Yes, it’s not magic! How the Elves are able to keep me informed on the most requested toys is through LinnKwik. I can also keep track of all the deliveries I have made on any given day, and recall what was contained in each present.


Q: Santa, have you any other tips for our retailers for tackling the Christmas season?

Santa likes to list all his presents on Groupon, thanks to the Groupon Connector for Linnworks, so he can give all the kids the best possible presents. He doesn’t just deliver to the UK, he also delivers as far as Asia, thanks to the Lazada Connector, enabling him to reach the other side of the world and bring more joy and happiness to kids across the Globe.

Don’t be a Scrooge! Get some of these Christmas-friendly Linnworks Apps down on your early Christmas list and power through the peak retail period with ease.

Christmas Tree

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