Keep Your Business on Track through New eBay Dashboard

eBay new dashboard[dropcap]E[/dropcap]Bay has launched new seller dashboard for retailers, it is announced by in united state, and it is also coming to the United Kingdom. With new seller dashboard the  retailers will be able to maintain their DSRs (Detailed seller ratings) and it will be arriving soon. To know more information about eBay store new dashboard you can switch at eBay help page.

eBay is providing a powerful automatic interface, it has been totally upgraded. eBay new dashboard enables for sellers to quick access the most recent information. Therefore you will need to enhance your business and manage your inventory.

Main features of New eBay Dashboard are
  • Clearly check your status for both the current and upcoming evaluation cycle
  • Ready to alerts when you’re at risk of losing your Top Rated rank or not gathering eBay’s minimum standards for all merchants.
  • Quickly find out execution areas that require your reflection
  • You will able to see your merchant status in United Kingdom, Germany, and your worldwide rating for all other eBay destinations globally.

eBay will be introducing the new seller dashboard accessible to more vendors, the eBay retailers will be able to view and use the new seller dashboard in early march. Be careful to test your seller dashboard over the coming week,  you can start getting more information and insights, you will require to develop your performance and provide great service, and build your sales.

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