Current and Latest Ecommerce Trends in Online Market


Ecommerce is the hero of the hour, and Google is one of the foremost supporters and pioneers of new trends that crop up in this phenomenon. Google is known for constantly updating its policies and altering trends, always for the better.

With the evolution and growth of eCommerce, new trends keep cropping up every day. Most of them fizzle out with time, while a few of the trends take the internet world by storm. A lot of these trends emerge out of necessity, and to keep up with the technological advancement happening all over. Some of the latest trends that have been promoted by Google are discussed further.

  • Mobile marketingThis is by far one of the most happening practices in recent times. According to a recent survey, nearly one third of the global eCommerce transactions are initiated and completed on mobile devices. One of the primary reasons for this shift is that Google tweaked its algorithms a little bit, necessitating businesses to focus on mobile marketing as well, in order to obtain better placements in the search results.
  • Round the clock shopping Online stores never really close down. Since most retail chains now have websites that facilitate online shopping as a part of their endeavor towards achieving multi channel eCommerce solutions, the site can be accessed from any network connected device, at any time of the day or night. This has given rise to an increasing trend of round the clock shopping activities by customers from all over the world.
  • Discovery commerce Just like how Google’s eCommerce solutions popularized mobile marketing, social media marketing has also become a necessity. And as a consequence, discovery shopping is on the rise. This phenomenon occurs when people stumble across or discover advertisements, offers and great deals that are displayed in social media, and then follow that link on an impulse and make a purchase. This is another eCommerce trend that is in, right now.
  • SEO This is the king of all the big eCommerce trends. Almost from the very time when it was introduced, right up to this day, SEO has been the major driving factor behind the making and breaking of several businesses. Those players who mastered the SEO technique won the internet. And this is an eCommerce trend that is still going strong. However, with time, it has been augmented and supported by other trends like mobile and social media marketing.

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