Ebay Make Offer Button – Make your Best Offer and Buy it at Your Desirable Price


[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ant to have a particular product, but do not want to pay the listed price? Make your Best Offer and score a great buy. Consumers making use of Best Offer to pay on average 33% below the fixed price.

  • Acquire what you would like at a price that you’d like to pay for
  • Negotiate with the seller securely and safely
  • Make an Offer and get a reply promptly



1. Find items 

Have a look for the “Best Offer or Buy It Now” icon in the search results or a “Make offer” button on any product’s description. You can also go through the advanced search page or may make use of the “Search options” section to discover Best Offer listings.


2. Make an offer 

Just enter the price you would like to pay for that particular item. You may enter any amount. Whatever amount you would like to pay for that particular product, but make sure that has a good chance of being accepted by the seller.


3. Offer accepted? 

If the offer is accepted by the seller, you will be informed by email. You can also confirm under “My eBay” for the status of your offer. Then after just pay for the item and you are done with the procedure.

4. No go? Try again! 

In case your offer has been rejected, do not give up the hope. There are chances of receiving a counter offer, which you may accept or perhaps counter offer of your own. Unless you do not receive a counter offer and the product is still available, you’ve four more chances to make an offer. To improve the chances of ebay store design success, boost your offer price.

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Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours.