Enhance your Online Business through eBay


[dropcap]e[/dropcap]Bay has drastically grown over the recent years, and a major credit goes to sales increment. With changes in eBay seller portal and setting up eBay Stores, merchants have quickly found a way to enhance their online businesses.

We know that marketing is expensive, but there are tons of other ways that can help you increase sales. eBay has added so many features in the past five years that help your market your product without involving high costs. These are just some quick handy tips, deploying which you will see an uptick in you sales.

Now eBay offers sellers two kinds of medium; one, user-based selling and second, store-based selling. Both of them have advantages based on your outlook.

Let’s look at some points that many merchant use as a Best Practise for selling on eBay.

1. Branding

It’s no secret that people love brands. It is branding that customer can trust giving them confidence to buy from you. If you can build a strong brand online, you are most likely to enhance your sales and revenues. Some tips for promoting branding would include:

  • Having a Unique Name
  • Having a Personal Logo
  • An About Me Page
  • Customer Testimonials
  • Optional Back Links if any

Once you have set a customer’s mind with your branding, they are very much likely to return as they have gained confidence in you.

2. eBay Shop

This is an amazing feature that eBay offers for a monthly subscription. It allows you to set up your own little shop on eBay. You get a personal URL that will land directly to your store. You can list products and customise their layouts and design. It is equivalent of having a footprint of your store online. Having an eBay shop definitely has its returns. Statistics have shown a 25% more sale in items than individual user selling approach.

  • eBay Store can list your entire product inventory all in one place
  • You can select which items to places where so as to drive customers and purchase more.
  • Every page, product, about me page links back to your store, so customers can get maximum visibility of what else your stores have to offer.
  • eBay offers cross-promotion that allows an arrangement to list a seller’s products on another seller’s page. You can leverage this if you have multiple eBay IDs.
3. Listing Products

Obviously tangibility is a factor that many online customers tend to regard as one of the reasons to neglect your product. But you can overcome this by correctly and accurately listing your products.

ebsy listing
This is a bad example of listing a product. The description is way too short and the image is too blurry.

A good product listing should clearly have the following:
  • Full Description including features, dimensions and any damage
  • Multiple Hi-Def Images
  • Shipping Charges if any
  • Stock Count
  • Payments Accepted
  • Return Policy

eBay offers customised display of each product with all the above characteristics. It also offers sellers for bespoke design that help promote branding and reflect professionalism.

4. Adding a personal Touch

So many customers frown upon about what’s inside (or what’s not) the box after delivery. Individual sellers often forget to include a thank you note or a manual leaving customer displeased with service.

Adding a personal thank you note or simply a message gives the customer an organic personal feeling that seller wants to hear again from the customer. Danna Crawford from Practical eCommerce says It sends a message that they care about me, they care about me as a buyer and maybe they want to develop a relationship with me

These were some of tips for enhancing your online business. You can do more if you know handy HTML with which you can regularly update your store design. Feedback from the customer is an important milestone in your order process, as it will be a means of improvement for your business. If you currently sell on eBay, try employing some of these ideas and you will gradually see an uptick in your sales.

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