Five Reasons To Invest In Handheld Scanners For Warehouse Plus

Your warehouse is likely to be busier than ever this quarter four. You need to make the most of every second; waiting for pick lists to be printed, or running back to the office to check stock availability on Linnworks at your PC can slow you down. By implementing our handheld scanners in your business, you and your team can achieve more, in less time. Warehouse Plus on your smartphone is brilliant, and can improve your productivity significantly, but your phone isn’t designed with warehouse processes in mind. Choose a handheld scanner with Warehouse Plus installed, and you and your team will be even faster at picking, packing and updating stock.

Five Reasons To Invest In Handheld Scanners For Warehouse Plus

Faster Barcode Scanning

Warehouse Plus on your smartphone is great and can be incredibly useful – particularly when you’re out and about. But the barcode scan functionality makes use of your phone’s camera, which isn’t what the camera is specifically designed for. Our handheld scanners have the right technology to scan barcodes at a faster rate, and users of our scanners report vastly increased order processing and barcode scanning compared with when they use Warehouse Plus on their smartphone.

Instant Linnworks Updates

If you’ve already tried Warehouse Plus on your smartphone, you’ll know how quickly the updates are pushed to Linnworks – Instantly, as long asy ou have a network connection. With our scanners, the updates are just as fast, and you can access to the minute Linnworks information wherever you are in the warehouse, without needing to be at a PC.

Wi-Fi or Data SIM

Talking of network connections, if you’re thinking Warehouse Plus scanners won’t work for you because you don’t have a Wi-Fi connection in your warehouse, or you want to use your scanner while you’re out at the Christmas markets, that’s no problem. The devices have space for you to add a mobile data SIM card, so you can connect to the internet and enable your connection to Linnworks that way.

Android DeviceAndroid Device

You might be concerned about your team being heavy-handed, but you needn’t worry – Our scanners are particularly durable – they’ve been tested rigorously and survive drops of over 5’ and more! Because our scanners run on an Android OS, you also have the flexibility to add other apps that suit you – so you can check LinnKwik, or have your email account configured so you can keep an eye out for that important update you’ve been waiting for – it’s your device, you choose what to add!

Save the Environment (and printing costs!)

We all want to make a positive impact on the environment, especially if we can do it without any extra effort – and even better if it has financial benefits for us too! With Warehouse Plus on one of our handheld scanners, you no longer need to print your pick lists; so while you’re saving on paper and ink costs, the environment benefits from less use of paper and plastic! This might only be a small financial saving, but eliminating small costs each month soon add up!

If you’re ready to speed up your warehouse processes by implementing handheld scanners in your warehouse, get in touch – call us on 0208 090 4547, or email [email protected].

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