eBusiness Guru Groupon Software: Simplify Your Groupon Business

Features of the eBusiness Guru Groupon Software
groupon app logo

If you’ve decided you’re ready to sell on Groupon and you’re doing your research, you might be intimidated by how different Groupon’s procedures are to eBay and Amazon, or perhaps you’ve been concerned about the reliance on spreadsheets. We know this has definitely deterred some of our clients. To make selling on Groupon easier, we created the eBusiness Guru Groupon Software. Our software enables you to handle your Groupon business quickly and easily, without the hassle.


With Linnworks, or not with Linnworks? That is the question…
Whether you currently use a multi-channel solution such as Linnworks or not, our Groupon software can help. Our software can bring your Groupon business into Linnworks so you can deal with your Groupon orders alongside your orders from other channels, or you can use the software independently without Linnworks to keep up with Groupon with less work and less worry – it’s up to you.


Groupon Europe in one click
When listing your products on Groupon Goods in several countries, dealing with different currencies and having to log into Groupon separately can be a hassle. Our Groupon software resolves those issues by requiring only one password for all your Groupon channels. It even deals with currency conversion for you! Everything is together in one place, with one set of controls and reports.


Streamlined Groupon invoicing and payments
For your Groupon business to be as successful as other marketplaces, getting your invoicing and payment reconciliation right is critical. Our Groupon software can create your invoices automatically at your preferred time, and can help highlight invoice inconsistencies so you get paid correctly, on time. You can see your Groupon payments in one place, regardless of the country they were placed in, and you can download all the documentation you need for your accounting needs quickly and simply.


Groupon shipping and tracking information – delivered
If you’re wary of reports that uploading shipping and tracking information to Groupon is difficult, don’t worry. When you mark your Groupon order as processed either in Linnworks or in our Groupon software, shipping and tracking information is sent to Groupon automatically – you don’t have to take any further action.


Write your own Groupon rules
Your business needs to run the best way for you. eBusiness Guru’s Groupon software allows you to customise your Groupon processes with the use of simple rules. Tell the software when to create your invoices, what to automate – it really is your call.


The best Groupon reporting
Whether you enjoy number crunching or not, it’s a necessary part of selling online. The powerful analytics tools included in our Groupon software include deal forecasting and profitability reporting. You’ll find it easy to manage and improve your Groupon business.


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If you’re ready to see how easy managing your Groupon business across Europe can be, contact us! We’ll help you get started using our simple Groupon software.

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