Making The Most Of Your Amazon Listings

Making The Most Of Your Amazon Listings

As we enter October, you’re no doubt thinking about how you can maximise your sales through the busy quarter four period ahead – with Halloween, Bonfire night, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Singles Day all before we reach the Christmas rush, it’s imperative to get your listings spot on if you’re going to really capitalise on the consumer madness – especially on busy marketplaces like Amazon, where every seller can feel like a small fish in a very big pond!

We’ve spoken before on the blog about the importance of getting your spellings, punctuation and grammar right – It’s one thing to have the odd typo here or there, but those small errors can add up to your items not being found by your customers, or them not trusting your company’s reputation because of the mistakes, and ultimately choosing to do business with one of your competitors instead of you. We’ve done it ourselves when we’ve been shopping online – we’re not just being picky for the sake of being picky!

If you have a minute, check the listings of your competitors, or the companies at the top of your class that you would like to be your competitor – Tiffany & Co if you sell fine jewellery for example, or John Lewis and Marks and Spencer if you’re in homewares. That’s the standard your listings need to be emulating – without copying them word for word, of course.

In addition to this, there are the little details that may tip the balance when people are looking for items in your category on Amazon – The number of bullet points, which specifics you’re populating, etc. And these we can definitely help you with.

AMZ PeakWe designed AMZ Peak to help you get that edge over your competitors when it comes to your Amazon listings. AMZ Peak can be used by itself to highlight where you can improve your Amazon listings, but if you’re using Linnworks, you can automatically pass changes you are recommended in AMZ Peak into the SKUs on Linnworks, ready for you to update them!

Whichever way you decide to use AMZ Peak, it will analyse your data, helping you identify improvements on each listing – whether that is for improving the title, the price, use of bullet points, images and more. You can export the results as a CSV file, so you can apply changes to your listings outside of the app without relying on just your memory.

AMZ Peak uses a mix of data already available in Amazon, but spread among numerous reports, dashboards, tooltips, etc, alongside a range of insights and criteria derived from our experience helping hundreds of sellers improve the results of their listings on Amazon to provide you with specific recommendations to fine tune and optimise your listing content to get the maximum visibility, independent of price changes or PPC. AMZ Peak can help you to improve your sales, and works best as a tool to complement your own product knowledge, filling in gaps.

AMZ Peak can also provide insights into the best-selling products in your category, or to evaluate a possible new category. It can also help you to find similar products to those you already sell – Whether because you’re having supply issues and need an alternative, or because you want to know who or what you’re targeting with your ad spend!

Rather than going into detail over all the features as part of this post, you can head over to our app page for more information – but if you’re using Linnworks, simply head to the Application Store to install AMZ Peak and improve your listings right away.

It’s a simple bit of kit, but after reviewing our app page you find you have a query about AMZ Peak or need further guidance, get in touch – we’re happy to give you a hand!

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