Optimize Ecommerce Website and Boost Sales


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n this competitive world having only an ecommerce website is not enough you have to offer unique and valuable services to attract new customer. It doesn’t matter you are beginner or having years of experience if you are not excited to providing what customer wants than this is the end of your business. Customer expect valuable updates from store owner even search engine loves as well.

You get better idea if you think as a customer. Logically, if you are selling product on internet customer did not agree to buy your product in a minute, they first check what you are providing, product details, match with requirements, prices, etc. In short, customers believe what you offer and as per the scenario your product detail plays an important role. Before starting or developing an ecommerce store, you should have quality + valuable content on each and every product page, this way you will not only increase conversation of customers but also produce good rankings over the search engine results.

Before we start on optimizing ecommerce website make sure you have enough product information, don’t worry if you haven’t. Follow below practice; I’m sure it helps you to produce quality content of your product. This small investment moves you with better performance in search engine, and customer usability.

Content to Develop Product:
  • Product quality – what products are you selling, why it beneficial, what features in it, full specification is needed.
  • Materials of the product: What kind of materials is used in the product, components, exterior, fabric, etc…
  • Kind of products:  types of product options, describe with different size, color, styles.  Add relevant products on bottom of the page.
  • Issue with product: Describe if any issue with product, explore reviews with other website, make sure you use your best experience to develop your product.
  • Product direction: Describe how does it work; you can also include links to user manuals from manufacturer’s sites or write your own manual, express actual experience.
  • Product Ratings: publish a review system that highlight to consumer of its features. You can compare product with other’s product in quality, price, strength, handling, etc. This way customer gets idea why you are the best.
  • Last thoughts: conclusion of the product, recommendations, would be best in all.

Make sure you’re concentration on quality only. If you provide more valuable information you will convert more customers and gets more returns as well. This is a long term technique so you cannot get instant results, it takes time to express their results but don’t worry it helps you entirely.

Now, after developing quality and informative content we moves on optimization of product page for organic ranking and traffic.

Optimize Product page for Search Engine:
  • Research on last 3 months sale, improving or not. You can compare sales and collect information via Google analytics.
  • Find where your product is listed in search engine, is this listed with that specific (targeted) page? Track your product keyword in top search engine. Take a record of your finding keywords with date, position and keyword term.
  • List out your product keywords which are not in ranking or new in your website.
  • List all the keywords with their targeted url or page make sure you have selected proper searches keywords with global and local searches.
  • Create meta title with use specific product keyword, make sure your title complete in under 60 character. If you use more keywords in the title, it more difficult to get rank.
  • Don’t forget quality, create unique meta description for all product pages. You can use your targeted keywords here and make it readable sentence, no spamming. Remember, you have only 160 characters for the meta description, search engine cannot read more characters than this limits.
  • Add your targeted (primary) keyword in content, use in H1 tag.
  • Make sure you are creating content with covering keyword density, search engine don’t like keywords spamming or keyword stuffing. Ensure your content flow well, information and sound natural.
  • You can use bold, italic tags to your primary keywords to highlight search engine.
  • Make sure you use clean and clear product images, attractive images can load more traffic than you believe. Generally, search engine cannot read images, by giving alt tags attributes of text search engine can identify the image.
  • You can give contextual internal link called anchor text to your primary keyword. If your content includes other product keyword, you can put hyperlink on that keyword with targeted page. This way you will not only increase visibility of your product but also helps to search engine to index your pages smoothly.
  • More product photos, video, review links, etc useful to make quality online presence.
  •  If you have enough knowledge and experience in you field then content marketing is best technique for you. You can share your valuable information and content via blog, guest blogging, blog commenting, article marketing, etc.
  • Check your website performance within 20days, once you have completed all your changes, set a reminder to review your results from search engine. You should see some improvement in sales as well as ranking!

These recommendations help you to build your online coverage of your product towards the customer and search engine. So I suggest you to take time and try to optimizing your products with your best experience and knowledge, because customer is more important for you.

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