Marketplace Strategy: Spotlight on Wayfair

Our marketplace strategy series continues with a look at Wayfair. If you have quality items for the home in your inventory, Wayfair can be a great choice to expand your sales; particularly as university students start living away from home for the first time, and on the busy run-down to Christmas.


When we say items for the home, we mean all items for the home; the Wayfair tagline really hits the nail on the head – ‘a zillion things home’. Customers can find nearly anything they might need for the home on Wayfair, but categories include larger items such as furniture and lighting, through to decorative items such as rugs and ornaments, kitchen items (including electricals), beds, mattresses and linens, through to DIY and items for furniture

Starting out in 2002, owners Steve and Niraj worked together on several eCommerce websites straight out of college, before merging all their eCommerce sites into the current Wayfair website incarnation in 2011. The company has grown in size significantly since then, to generate over 5.7 billion in net revenue in the twelve months to Jun 30th, 2018. That’s a huge number of sales you can get a piece of!

We’ve touched on companies with great ethics on the blog before, and we’re fans of Wayfair’s social responsibility mission– they’ve had a charitable giving programme since 2004, and have expanded it every year, to help those in need of safe shelter and who need basic household items.

By drop shipping your products through Wayfair in the UK and beyond, you benefit from the credibility of over 21,500 reviews on Trustpilot that average an Excellent rating. As a seller, you’ll have access to the Wayfair Extranet, but if you’re already using Linnworks to manage your products and sales on other channels, remembering another Kitchen Lightingset of login details isn’t going to be high on your priority of things to do – you need processes to be as simple as possible, particularly during the busy times of year, right?

That’s why eBusiness Guru created the Wayfair integration for Linnworks – so you can add it to your list of sales channels without interrupting your day, or searching your emails to find your login. The integration allows you to manage your orders, inventory and shipping for Wayfair alongside your other sales channels, with an easy integration process. There’s just a few steps to add the integration to your Linnworks account.

If you have questions about drop shipping on Wayfair, or about adding drop shipping automation into your business, get in touch! We’d be delighted to talk to you further about how becoming a DropShipper or DropSeeker (or both!) and using avasam can increase your sales and grow your business – with avasam, the sky really is the limit!

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