eBusiness Guru’s eCommerce MultiChannel Solution

eBusiness Guru eCommerce MultiChannel Solution

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]oday’s lifestyle is changing drastically and people are showing their interest in online shopping rather than going in-stores. Primary reason is because eCommerce retailers have gained buyer’s confidence and trust by providing quality products on time and different attractive offers.

One of the challenges for a retailer is that usually customers search for products on multiple websites or portals and make comparisons between different selling channels for best prices or offers.

For this reason, retailers have to employ more than one selling channel to list their products in best descriptive way to increase sales and revenues and promote their brand in the market. It would be wise to list products on their own standalone website to build a strong reputation in competitive eCommerce Marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Magento, Shopify, and many more….

To address this issue, eBusiness Guru introduces a powerful product for Multi Channel eCommerce Solution and which will make it easy to manage your eCommerce Business across multiple channels.

What does Multi Channel eCommerce Solution mean?
  • It means to have a single portal that will allow you to make clear and easy transactions between different online channels on Orders, Inventory and Shipping Operations.
  • Multi Channel eCommerce Solution allows you to manage every selling channel from a single interface. You can monitor and update all information across channels without individually logging into your accounts.
  • Another challenge for retailers is to maintain stock and order information from different selling channel Talk about stock duplication issues, manual entries reduction, consolidating shipping management and easy reporting.
  • Multi Channel eCommerce Solution will maintain each and every record of transactions on a common database and hence retailers do not need to check individually on every channel .

Using eBusiness Guru’s Multichannel Solution, the system will be capable of operating all your transactions using one common database.  Our Multi Channel eCommerce Solution can manage the following modules:

  • Marketplace Integration
  • Bespoke eCommerce Website Integration
  • Order Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Stock Control Management
  • Shipping Management

Employing eCommerce Solution will have both business as well as customer impacts. By using our solution, you can limit manual data entry and can save precious time which can be utilized for marketing and strategizing growth.

We have successfully integrated multiple sales channels for many clients enabling them to leverage our solution to enter into numerous portals. Regardless to say, our clients have been overwhelmed with our services and solutions which brings merchants a larger customer base allowing them to target wider audiences, whilst generating additional revenues.

You can get more details on our official Multichannel Ecommerce Solutions page.

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