Import Products with the Same SKU on Multiple Magento Stores


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you want to list your product on the multiple magneto stores, during the process of listing your product, you can move at multi-channel eCommerce software. It allows you to use banners in single SKU to share across the various mangento web-stores. Once, your products have various banners, but every banner will work with same product on mangento updating only corresponding store view. Fundamentals of Listing the Same SKU on the various Stores:

Two separate configurations fitting in with similar stores that impart the same request for Magento which has needed. Attribute sets of the configurations need to match. Configurations need to have the same variety attributes.

Quick Tips for Magneto Retailers
  1. Move on the two configurations to child configuration by conveying a parent configuration.
  2. Make listing with the help of parent configuration
  3. Make a listing through child configuration
Move on the two configurations to child configuration by conveying a parent configuration
  • You can choose a configuration, after that click the cell in linked configure column
  • By using drop down menu you can find a configuration that will be used as Parent for the chosen config:
  • Finally you can click on the save button
Make listing with the help of parent configuration
  • You can place your item in inventory screen
  • After that you can right click on the cell in mangento column-> select create listing-> select Parent category
  • Finally you can verify your listing by using create button
Make a listing through child configuration
  • You can place your product in inventory screen
  • Now you can right click on the cell in mangento column-> select create listing->select Child category
  • Finally you can verify your listing by using create button

Once you have done above these processes, after that the configuration may be reassigned to another parent configuration as well as more listings will be used another configuration.  It essential for you, It does not make a barrier during the further update of the created listings. The process of listings it will create another parent configuration.  If have a product, it has various listings assigned to same parent configuration and it product requires to be listed on another website by using a child configuration.

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