eBG Celebrates: Finalists at the eCommerce Awards 2018!

eBusiness GurueBusiness Guru are eCommerce Awards 2018 FINALISTS

We did it – eBusiness Guru are eCommerce Awards 2018 FINALISTS!

As many of you know, our CEO Tejas Dave started eBusiness Guru as a response to the fact that sellers needed support with their eCommerce endeavours – despite being experts in their field and their products, they didn’t have the technical know-how, or simply needed a helping hand with certain aspects of selling online.

Since then, eBusiness Guru has grown significantly, supporting hundreds of businesses with new website builds, Linnworks implementations and through our apps that streamline and empower businesses. Our most recent app launches, Barry Analytics and avasam have been helping sellers increase their profits exponentially by understanding their data better and by joining the DropShipping revolution, with many of you already thrilled with the impact that these apps have had on your business.

We entered the eCommerce Awards 2018 in response to the fact we had been told by so many people how much we had helped their business grow, and their profits had increased as a result of our work with them. We thought we’d give it a shot, and set about carefully crafting our entries, with several draft versions of each entry being bounced between us before finalising them, and crossing our fingers (and toes!) and settled in for the wait to hear.

Yesterday we finally received the thrilling email informing us that shortlisting was complete, and watched Tejas’ dreams come true – eBusiness Guru have been selected as finalists in three categories: Best B2B eCommerce, Best eCommerce Technology and Best Innovation in eCommerce Delivery/Logistics. The team could not be more excited, particularly when we consider the calibre of our competition, that this year includes household names such as O2, BT and Sports Direct.

We’re excited to attend the awards ceremony at the London Marriott Grosvenor Square on Wednesday 26th September to celebrate our achievements so far – and even if on the night we walk away empty-handed, we’re incredibly proud of the fact that we’ve been recognised and counted amongst the elite and such major players within the eCommerce industry. And it wouldn’t be right not to mention here how we’re grateful to every business we’ve supported for helping us learn as we go, and for being part of our journey so far.

But we’re not done yet, and we certainly won’t be coasting through the year ahead. The continued success of our clients and our success at the eCommerce Awards this year has inspired us to dream even bigger. We’re working on exciting projects that will help sellers and suppliers improve their profits even further, so we can drive our success and yours for years to come – and of course, for the eCommerce Awards in 2019!

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