eBusiness Guru Events: Linn Academy 2018

Linn Academy 2018

In the months ahead, the team at eBusiness Guru have got plans afoot – We’ve been invited to a number of exciting events – hopefully you saw Friday’s post about our being shortlisted as finalists for the eCommerce Awards 2018, but if you didn’t, you can read all about it here.

We thought we’d start posting about our plans so you know the events we’re attending, and what we’re doing there, so that we can hopefully see some familiar faces, and meet new ones, while we’re out and about!

September is going to be a busy one for us – the event that is nearest and dearest to the hearts of many of us in the eCommerce industry, Linn Academy takes place at the Vox in Birmingham on September 12th, and is the first one we want to talk about. We’ve attended Linn Academy for the last 5 years, and enjoy the chance to meet sellers and suppliers to discuss the challenges they face, to offer advice, and to meet old friends and make new ones, as well as talking shop with our colleagues that provide services to the rest of the eCommerce community.

Linn Academy is a day we know many of our clients enjoy, and this year there’s unrivalled opportunities for networking and gaining access to insights from some phenomenal Keynote Speakers – including Deborah Meaden of Dragon’s Den, and Charlie Ruigrok from the Department of International Trade, amongst others (you can see the impressive list to help you plan your day here) We’re sure you won’t want to miss out on the wealth of information the speakers bring.

This year, we’re Gold sponsors, and you’ll be able to spot us easily – we’ll be on the right as you come in the main entrance, opposite the bar and by two of the food tables (it’s all about priorities!) so pop across and enjoy a chat with us when you’ve got your favourite tipple in your hand.

If you’ve not attended Linn Academy before, (or we’ve yet to have the pleasure of meeting in person) perhaps you’re wondering why would you want to come and meet us while you’re there, aside from our winning smiles? Well, we’re planning to bring along even more team members than last year, including multi-channel experts, content writers, members of the web team and SEO specialists. For some of the team, it’s their first ever Linn Academy – Go easy on them, although they’re primed and ready for your questions!

We’ll also have some of our latest tech with us, so we can talk to you about how we can help you achieve more (with less effort on your part!), as well as talking about the different marketplaces, websites and shipping partners we’ve integrated into Linnworks, and which ones are best suited to you and your business.

To thank us for coming back again and again, Linn have offered us a special deal for you, as our customers, to attend Linn Academy 2018 at a greatly discounted rate. Typically, standard tickets are £99, but by using our link and code you can obtain your ticket for the day for just £49. That’s a 50% saving – perhaps that will help pay for the parking, or a night in one of Birmingham’s hotels the night before so you can really make the most of the day? Use this link, and enter the code ‘LWPARTNER’ to take advantage of this fantastic offer.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you all there, and we’ve got special treats for those of you who come and have a chat with us – Ask us about LinnKwik, and we’ll give you a great start to your day!

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