Magento Integration: A MultiChannel Solution’s Perspective

Multi Channel Solutions

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s no secret that eCommerce has replaced traditional brick-and-mortar stores. But where is eCommerce heading towards? Is it possible that soon enough products will become available globally and at the easiest of convenience? Well, we know many eTailers are already in this business but the question is how they do it! One word: MultiChannel eCommerce. The term multichannel is what is driving the eCommerce industry to achieve heights and turnaround revenues that were thought of as non-practical a few years ago.

 MultiChannel eCommerce is at its best currently. MultiChannel eCommerce was firstly only very much confined to Marketplaces. Thereby it began with Amazon Integration and eBay Integration which are the world’s premier selling channels. With the growth and rise of other marketplaces, MultiChannel paved the way to integrate multiple channels and accounts to streamline retail processes.

 By the time Marketplaces had boomed, Standalone eCommerce website grew to the occasion. Having a personal eCommerce website was the envy of every retailer. With the introduction of Magento, an open source shopping cart, website carts grew exponentially. Magento was quickly adapted by many eTailers and demanded to be integrated with MultiChannel Solutions.

A MultiChannel Solution has undergone many changes and updates and still evolving based on industry trends and is redefining the way customer shop. No doubt those businesses have also adapted to emerging technologies in very short span of time.

What Magento Integration brings to MultiChannel Solution the table is its ability to have control over what retailers sell in terms of stock. Having multiple channels is beneficial in many ways, one of which is controlling the listing prices of your products.

Find some quick facts about Magento Integration with a MultiChannel Solution
  • Streamline Stock across your Website & all other Marketplaces
  • Control & direct inventory, listings on your website
  • Download Orders from Magento based Website and collate it in the MultiChannel Software for unification from all other marketplaces.
  • Ability to control prices and perform re-pricing of products when needed according to industry and competition.
  • Ability to choose your own Payment Gateways to be integrated.

Integrating Magento with your MultiChannel software helps you in Order Management. If you are a large multinational selling over a few thousand products on your website and 2 or 3 other marketplaces, you might run into issue with streamlining and synchronisation. With MultiChannel software you can easily collate all your stocks, orders and fulfilment needs from one portal. Another reason for MultiChannel eCommerce Integration is that it has inbuilt capabilities like third party API integration so you can seamlessly automate simple tasks like supply/vendor management to complex tasks such as integrating with ERP Systems.

Magento has definitely changed the way how eCommerce operates in this decade. Only time will tell what’s more to this in the coming few years. We have already seen developments in mCommerce (Mobile eCommerce) that magento offers which can again be integrated with MultiChannel Software so customers enjoy the experience of flawless shopping even when on the move.

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