eBusiness Guru Events: Autumn Fair

Autumn. A time to enjoy the last of the warm days before the winter slow-down and hibernation kicks in, right? Well, for those of us in any kind of retail, but particularly eCommerce, we know the start of autumn simply signifies the start of the countdown to Christmas, with all the madness that gift buying invokes. So, while the last of the calmer, warm days are on us before the kids go back to school, it’s time to plan your strategy for the busy months ahead. And a great place to start your planning is Autumn Fair.

Tejas Autumns fair

Autumn Fair is the premier wholesale gift and home trade event, allowing you as sellers to make new connections with suppliers and choose new stock to capitalise on the busy Christmas period.

Key Facts about Autumn Fair:

  • 2-5th September 2018
  • Over 1,400 wholesale exhibitors
  • Centrally located at the Birmingham NEC
  • 26,000 visitors over 5 days
  • Free keynote speeches, seminars & one-to-one business advice
  • Free to attend for those in the industry, or studying at undergraduate level or above

(make sure you register in advance – entry on the day without pre-registration is £30)

Now you might be wondering why we’re talking about Autumn Fair – we at eBG aren’t wholesalers, after all. However, we think it’s a great event, and with an extensive seminar programme planned, the organisers got in touch and asked whether we could help – which, of course, we were delighted to!

Mark Autumns Fair

Tejas and Mark will be representing eBusiness Guru at Autumn Fair and will be delivering three seminars over the course of the five days.

Sunday 2nd September at 3 pm they’ll be talking about DropShipping & how it can help grow your business.

Wednesday 5th September at midday, they’ll be talking about developing your SEO strategy.

Wednesday 5th September at 1.45 pm they’ll be talking DropShipping again, and all the benefits it offers.

Autumn Fair

The talks Tejas and Mark are hosting are taking place in the Master Online Retail Theatre, just off Hall 5. Visitors are advised to get to the talks they want to attend early, as they’re always extremely popular – and with a couple of catering outlets nearby, we recommend taking the chance to grab a cuppa and rest up for half an hour (the show is enormous – as we mentioned, there’s over 1,400 exhibitors, and that’s a lot of walking!) while learning about ways you can grow your business and increase your profits.

If you’re attending Autumn Fair, Tejas & Mark would love to see you at their seminars, but they’ll be having a wander around the fair as well – so if you spot them, do say hello – they’re both very happy to make your acquaintance!

Read more about our planned upcoming events, Linn Academy and the eCommerce Awards 2018.

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