Review of Email Marketing


[dropcap]E[/dropcap]lectronic Mail is a standard of direct marketing through which a commercial message can be conveyed to a crowd of people using emails to existing customers or to craft a potential customer.

Through E-mail marketing one can not only sell goods and services but also fabricate customer loyalty, along with trust and brand alertness. This is the most widespread approach use by all sellers and businesses to enhance branding, sales and advertisement of products.

Benefits of Using Email Marketing:
  • Low cost
  • Easy to target potential customers
  • Segmentation
  • Call to action
  • Easy to create, track and share
  • Global reach
  • Immediacy
  • Return on investment
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • More sales conversion

In order to endorse and publicize goods and services, the internet has become an indispensable part of businesses of all sizes.  The ones who have not used this strength might not realize the significance of this line of attack. However, it has proven to be the best approach to create new customers and also maintain the existing ones along with the above mentioned benefits.

Types of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be diversified by the below mentioned types.

  • Transactional Email
  • Direct Email
Transactional Email:

The name itself states that the email contains business dealings. It can contain information regarding the existing business dealings or transactions or the ones which have happened in the past. However, an automated Email reply can also be considered as a transactional email.

Direct Email:

It serves the reason of advertising, branding and promoting a business sent to build potential customers. One of the most unfailing ways to get in touch with people, one can evidently put across the message they wish to convey and generate potential leads by engaging them.

In ever mounting market of Ecommerce, email marketing is an obligation required with an assortment of important and supplementary features. When looking for email marketing software that is integrated with compound characteristics, you need to agree on and choose which services attest the best gratifying your needs. Ebusiness Guru offers you email marketing services with a vast collection of tools like content addition, Email templates, List management, Auto responders, Response testing, Archived newsletters, personalize, collect new subscribers powerful statistics and a lot more in the package.

Disadvantage of Email Marketing:
  • Spam
  • Engagement
  • Appearance
  • You Need to Work Hard

Conclusion: In order to promote products and brand your business, Email marketing is an excellent idea and a game changer. Providing you with sensible techniques with advanced technology it can turn the tables and can help you dominate the market. Being the greatest gift to mankind it has an unmatched power to provide hardcore returns with little implementation.

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